Terms & conditions

When you place an order with us on dalslandnordmarken.se, you are also accepting our purchasing terms. These terms may change from time to time, so please read through them carefully before confirming your purchase.

1. Ordering

Once you complete your order at the checkout you will shortly receive an order confirmation from us by e-mail. The order confirmation is your acknowledgement that we have received your order and is sent out automatically by our system. Always check that your confirmation is correct and save it in case you need to contact our customer service.

If you do not receive an order confirmation as expected, please check that your e-mail address is correct and inform Customer Service and we will send a new one.

All orders placed are binding. Consequently, if you have placed an order by mistake, you must contact us immediately so that we can cancel your order before it is processed.

You must be over 18 to place an order with us. If you are under age, we need a guardian’s consent.

2. Prices

All prices on dalslandnordmarken.se are shown in Euro including Swedish VAT. Shipping costs are additional.

3. Payment method

Shopping on dalslandnordmarken.se is secure and simple. Card payments are handled by our partner, PayPal, in order to guarantee rapid and secure payment.

4. Shipping and delivery

We normally deliver your goods within 4-7 working days from your order having been confirmed. During peak season it may take a little longer. Nature Card and Canoe Fishing Licens are not posted; show your orderconfirmation if requested.

5. Exchanges and returns

If you want to return an item, you have a right of cancellation for 14 days from the date you received your order. In the event of returns, the simplest way is to contact the Customer Service   where it will be possible to have your money refunded immediately once the return is approved. Include your order number and the reason in your e-mail to make it easier for us to process your case. A refund will be made to your account within 14 days.

Nature Conservation Cards that have not been used will not be refunded.

6. Personal information

The non-profit association DANO processes personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Act (PUL). By registering with and ordering from dalslandnordmarken.se, you accept that DANO will store and use your personal information to fulfil our obligations in connection with orders.

We will not pass on your personal information to any third party unless this is necessary to enable implementation of the order/agreement with you or if it is required by law. You can contact us at any time to view this information, amend or delete it.